USA HVL高黏度引擎組裝油
NT$ 680
NT$ 720
NT$ 680
高黏度組裝潤滑劑 (HVL) 提供高黏度而流動性好的薄膜,以在組裝和初始磨合期間保護往復和旋轉零件。
這種不起泡的產品在關鍵的磨合過程中與磨合油混合並增加油膜厚度。添加 ZDDP。
HVL 不會乾變硬或導致零件變得「黏稠」。

Made in USA

High viscosity assembly lubricant (HVL) provides a tenacious yet fluid film to protect reciprocating and rotating components during assembly and initial break-in. This non-foaming product mixes with the break-in oil and extends the oil film thickness during the critical break-in process. Fortified with ZDDP.
Apply to engine bearings, piston skirts, bushings, timing chains and gears, as well as oil pump gears. HVL will not harden or cause parts to become "sticky."