Driven的DI40包含專有技術的油品添加劑,可解決缸內直噴引擎的異常積碳的燃燒問題以及與機油汽化揮發相關的問題,可用於0W-40機油的任何直接噴引擎,例如GM LT5和Porsche DFI發動機。
特別針對保時捷997.2 缸內直噴引擎的積碳跟機油揮發問題,得到解決!
Containing a proprietary additive package to combat abnormal combustion issues, as well as soot related problems, Driven's DI40 should be used in any direct injection engine that calls for 0W-40 motor oil, such as the GM LT5 and Porsche DFI engines. V
iscosity typical of 0W-40.